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Xmas to NY day... Plans?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:31 am
by MHD
Morning all... The Collis Mob are heading to Sydney for an extended stay (11 days in total!)...

What are peoples NYE plans? vantage points? etc...

Any plans for shooting meets etc?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:34 am
by wendellt
hi scott

lady macquaries' chair is hte best public vantage point for the fireworks but you have to get there early

it's past the domain

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:48 am
by gstark
It's also heaps crowded, and crowds, for me, means it's unpleasant, noisy, sitting with the great unwashed ...

I may be in LA or SF this NYE ... looks about 80% at this stage.

Check the herald and see if you can find a boat to spend the evening on. Nothing beats being on the water.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:48 am
by Killakoala
Very very early if you want to get a seat on the ground at Lady MacQ chair. People start filing in about lunchtime.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:48 am
by Sheetshooter
wendellt wrote:hi scott

lady macquaries' chair is hte best public vantage point for the fireworks but you have to get there early

it's past the domain

Farm Cove and Mrs. Mac's chair is ONE public vantage point but there are others equally as good and possibly less crowded - both sides of the harbour.

Is the aim to get the USUAL or to try for something different?

Here is the view from diagonally opposite with the advantage of the Opera House being veiled by the waterfall and being contained within the frame of the SHB.



PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:49 am
by MHD
gstark wrote:It's also heaps crowded, and crowds, for me, means it's unpleasant, noisy, sitting with the great unwashed ...

I may be in LA or SF this NYE ... looks about 80% at this stage.

Check the herald and see if you can find a boat to spend the evening on. Nothing beats being on the water.

That would be a cool NYE...

(mind you flying through LAX is not my idea of fun... worst-airport-ever)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:58 am
by gstark
LAX is easy.

Try IAH on for size. I used to mainly fly Continental, for whom IAH is their home base. The basic layput of the terminal is an H shape, but when you're coming in from, say, LGW, you need to (of course) deal with customs and immigration, before continuing on to your connecting flight.

Typically, you'll have about about 65 minutes for this process, but while the plane that you just arrived in came in at the TL corner of the H, the immigration desk was at the BR corner; customs somewhere near the BR, and your connection departed from the TR, thus ensuring you a wonderful tour of the terminal as well as needing to perform all the formalities.

The best I experienced was coming into Newark NJ, where, upon stepping out of the business class cabin on the flight from FRA, there was the empty immigration desk! Bee-ootifool!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:50 am
by Killakoala
- A typical NYE day (2004) at Lady MacQuaries Chair.

1:25 pm. People and boats start to gather in the morning and people have a nice lunch on the harbour.
4:53pm. Some people have to be escorted away by the water rats.
5:07pm. The sun is much lower in the sky. The anticipation is growing and so is the crowd on the harbour.
5:07pm. The crowd of people on the point.
5:18pm. HMAS Kanimbla heads off to Aceh. This is just after the Boxing Day Tsunami. Police had to move a few boats first.
7:42pm. The sun has set and the crowd are now sounding restless. Some have been there nearly 12 hours already. The evening weather is kind and promising a great spectacle.
Around Midnight. The last fireworks go off on the bridge and the stupid ball is lowered, but due to a mechanical failure, not all the way.
After Midnight. As the smoke clears for another year, the city/harbour looks like a warzone.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:59 am
by birddog114
Sad to see the Kanimbla went out with two SeaKing choppers and came back with one on her deck :cry:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:02 am
by birddog114
wendellt wrote:hi scott

lady macquaries' chair is hte best public vantage point ...............

Of kissing and sex point :shock: :shock:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:06 am
by birddog114
If you have time and can travel further North then you're welcome at Boat Harbour.