Image Reviews and Critiques
Got a thin skin? Then look elsewhere. Post a link to an image that you've made, and invite others to offer their critiques. Honesty is encouraged, but please be positive in your constructive criticism. Flaming and just plain nastiness will not be tolerated. Please note that this is not an area for you to showcase your images, nor is this a place for you to show-off where you have been. This is an area for you to post images so that you may share with us a technique that you have mastered, or are trying to master. Typically, no more than about four images should be posted in any one post or thread, and the maximum size of any side of any image should not exceed 950 px.
Moderators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
- 23303 Topics
- 194325 Posts
Last post by zafra52
Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:37 am
Picture of the Week
Each week, one of the moderators or administrators selects an image that, for whatever reason, catches their eye. Please feel free to add your comments here. Vigorous discussion of the images and techniques is welcome and encouraged. Criticism of any mod for their choice is not. Please note that this is "Picture of the Week"; do not confuse that with "best picture of the week", which is a concept of which we have no understanding.
Moderators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
- 567 Topics
- 8120 Posts
Last post by zafra52
Sun May 31, 2020 10:40 am
Fifty Two Frames
All members are encouraged to go about their business each week. With their cameras. And shoot whatever they wish. Please post your favourite (or best) work from each week within the weekly thread that will be started in this section by Fozzie.
The purpose here is twofold.
1: We want you all to be be out there, shooting whatever you wish.
2: We want to create a weekly portfolio of the variety of images and activities that you all enjoy and participate in every day, of every week, of every year.
Moderators: fozzie, Moderators
- 52 Topics
- 572 Posts
Last post by Matt. K
Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:12 am
First Image
With everyone getting new bodies, I think that separate section for you to proudly display your first image from your new acquisition is in order.
This applies to brand new bodies, as well as bodies that are simply newly acquired by you.
Moderator: Moderators
- 158 Topics
- 1306 Posts
Last post by PiroStitch
Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:21 pm
Travel forms an important part of photography. Or maybe it's photography that forms an important part of travel? Regardless, travel and photography go together like a hand in a glove. While this section lives within the images section of the forum, it is acceptable - and you are encouraged - to post your travel experiences and tips here as well.
Moderator: Moderators
- 68 Topics
- 506 Posts
Last post by zafra52
Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:27 am
Bi-Monthly Challenges
This section is for our twice monthly weekender challenges.
Moderator: Moderators
- 179 Topics
- 2469 Posts
Last post by biggerry
Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:17 pm