EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition - There is Still Time!

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EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition - There is Still Time!

Postby biggerry on Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:18 pm

As there has been no objections to the dates set forth:

Pictures and Payment required to be submitted NOW :wink:
Hang on 16-19 March
Opening night 20th or 21st March
Display remains up until after easter to give us time to clean them up and get them to their respective owners.

Cost: $130 for print ONLY
$150 if your coming on the night, if we dont get enough attendees we will ditch the nibbles and alcohol.
$20 shipping to people out of sydney - this is using a Courier Service - anything out of metro areas maybe more

Payment and Images: I have discussed this with Callan at Zimprints, the best way is for me to collect images and money then forward them on. I am sure mods here that know and have met me can vouch for my integrity :up:
I will PM bank details and email address in the next week.
I will be in WA from the 25th to the 12th March so bear with me in that period since I will have limited internet.

Whilst end of Feb, is the cutoff date, we can work things out for latecomers.

Image Theme: All the same size (depending on ratios) and all on canvas :)

Image selection, at the very least I think post up a few images for critique from members and run with one of those (does not necessarily have to be what everyone else reckons though). Do this in individual threads otherwise this thread could get large.


A few queries about the edge choices - the default edge choice is to mirror the 4 edges of the image by about 1.5", this allows the image to appear like it wraps around, it looks heaps better than a plain white edge. Alternatively you can use the whole image and wrap around the frame losing some of the image size. If you want something specifc let me know, at this point we are all going with mirrored edges :up:

The list of interested people is below, please indicate if you are on this list and now not keen, if you are DEFINITELY keen please PM me and i will add the appropriate mark on your name

ATJ - Andrew
Mr Darcy
Willy wombat

Have I forgotten everything? something?.. let me know.

Shop internal images attached. Note Beer keg :cough: :rotfl2:


Stuff below here is for historical purposes..

There was a tickle of an idea over here in this thread about gallery hangings and/or showcasing images from DSLRuser members.

Running with that idea, I think it is something that could be very neat and attractive for all parties involved. As I see it, it would be an opportunity to display images taken over the last year (and submitted to the forum) in a public environment (for a week or so) and follow up with a night where everyone comes in and meets the other photographers, has a few drinks, chews the fat, networks and has a merry time.

Now, I am definitely open to suggestions, however here's my idea of how this could work without being to hard to organise and not cost a freakin' fortune:

Location: I get my canvas shots done thru Zimprints (http://www.zimprints.com.au/) in Newtown, Callan, the guy who runs the place has run a few exhibitions at his outlet on King st in the past, the shop front is not huge and is currently a bit of mess (but hey thats running a business for ya) however is large enough to house 25 odd prints (1m sizes) on the walls and you could squeeze in quite few people to sip champagne and make the appropriate 'ooohhh' and 'aahhhs''.

Prints: The images selected (by wahtever means, probably just end up being those interested) would be printed on canvas (typically 1 m size) at the location, the prices are very reasonable and providing we get a minimum number to make it worthwhile then Zimprints would be happy to do this - since the prints are linked to the location obviously only those ones would be displayed. The option of canvas prints is probably one of the most cost effective ways to get a print ready for hanging without having to worry about frames and matte board etc - however I am open to suggestions, Callan can also do normal gloss and matte prints.

Display: I would like to see the images printed and hung in the shop for a good week so they can get some exposure to Callan's customers and other people specifically coming to see images (ring ya friends, nan, dog next door, etc). On the the final weekend, say a saturday night we, as a forum community, turn up have drinks and nibbles, invite friends etc and make the appropriate 'oohhs' and 'aaahs'.

Additionally, I reckon having a little card with the photographer' details and their business card (if they have one) displayed on the corner of the prints would also provide the photographer with some exposure.

Cost: At this point, i think whoever's image is being printed and displayed is paid for by that person. At the end they can take their print home. At the very best, hopefully some member of the public may indicate interest in a shot and purchase it or another print. The cost would cover the printing cost and also nibbles and drinks. For me personally, i reckon $150 (each person with an image displayed) would be a good mark to aim for (this is for 25 prints). At the end of the day, at the very least, you walk home with your own print to hang, sell or whatever.

Date: I reckon the end of March would be a good time...

I have had some initial converstions with Callan regarding this and at this point I am looking at what kind of interest there is from DSLRuser members. This is not the kind of event that we can have people pull out of at the last minute or 'um' and 'ah' for weeks etc. If there is a decent interest then I will look into more specific details. Also I am happy to run with it and 'try' and coordinate it if there is the appropriate interest, some help would also be welcome tho.


Just for transparency - those who know me, know that I get my prints (canvas) done thru Callan and he has sold some of my shots in the past, Callan's store is also local to me. This is not some grand plan to make zillions for either myself or Callan (obviously he makes money on prints, thats his business!).

Thoughts? Suggestions?

I reckon there has been some stunning images posted over 2009, it would be awesome to run thru 2009 again using some real world prints with an excuse to meet up - we need to make this more than just another internet forum!
Last edited by biggerry on Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:41 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby wendellt on Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:11 pm

hi this sounds like a great idea
i know some wine companies may sponsor an event by giving free booz away if the tunout is good
i'll investigae this
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby craig.rohse on Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:45 pm

Hi Gerry,

What a great idea :up: :up:

I just got this Email a few days ago might be a chance to promote the forum a little more if you are going ahead with an exhibition.

Head On Photo Festival - Expressions of Interest

Please let us know if you are a photographer looking for an exhibition space or if you have a gallery space, café or restaurant and would like to host a show during the festival (April 29th-June 5th 2010).

If you have already lined up a show, we can help promote it; please send us the details. Otherwise, we could suggest some venues- galleries, cafes and restaurants for you to talk to.

If you know of or own a cafe, restaurant, bar or gallery space that would like to have an exhibition during the time of the festival, please let us know and we will suggest photographers to hold a show.

Please contact us ASAP as we are in the process of programming at the moment.

let me know if you need any help!!!
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby ATJ on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:58 am

It is a great idea, Gerry.

I'm interested but I'm not sure I'm eligible. I rarely post any pictures here and those that do aren't what I would consider my best (as I'm posting to get suggestions to improve images). I wouldn't want to exhibit any of the images I have posted.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby aim54x on Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:36 am

I'd be interested, but I dont think I have anything that is worth displaying...
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby dviv on Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:14 am

Great Idea Gerry. I'd be interested. :up:

ATJ wrote: I wouldn't want to exhibit any of the images I have posted.

I would have thought an easy way is once we have a list of interested people, each photographer would choose the print they want to display?

And depending on how many togs and how much wall space, each person might be able to display two?
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby gstark on Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:32 pm


Great idea.

I'm also working (slowly) on getting a workshop or two organised for us in a studio. I've had an offer for free use of the space; I just need to pull the proverbial finger out.


craig.rohse wrote:I just got this Email a few days ago might be a chance to promote the forum a little more if you are going ahead with an exhibition.

Could you please forward me a copy of that email? Thanks in advance.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby whitey on Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:47 pm

Great idea, I'm in - if I can find a decent photo from 2009
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:56 pm

I just got this Email a few days ago

Craig, I would be interested in that email also..

I would have thought an easy way is once we have a list of interested people, each photographer would choose the print they want to display?
And depending on how many togs and how much wall space, each person might be able to display two?

I agree, really I don't expect swarms of people to attend, but I would be nice to see at least 20 individual people and their images, if people would like to double up then thats an option to fill in the gaps etc.

For those concerned about image standards or if they have not been posted at DSLRusers, I don't think that should be a deterrent, I am sure we can work out the details of the images to be used down the track. One option may be to select a series of images from 2009 (from one tog) and then get the forum to select one?

On a side note, one of the first exhibitions at Zimprints was some dude who had a whole gallery of underwater photography, similiar to your work Andrew.

I will try and firm up some details this week amd also get a couple of images of the locale. But the most important thing we need is interested proactive parties - PM your mates or others that would interested.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby gstark on Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:21 pm

biggerry wrote:For those concerned about image standards or if they have not been posted at DSLRusers, I don't think that should be a deterrent,

I agree. The standard of images posted here will ensure that we have no problems filling any sort of display area ...

And I also have some other thoughts that could be helpful. :twisted: Stay tooned!
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby rflower on Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:41 pm

gstark wrote:
biggerry wrote:For those concerned about image standards or if they have not been posted at DSLRusers, I don't think that should be a deterrent,

I agree. The standard of images posted here will ensure that we have no problems filling any sort of display area ...


Surely people could always print "their" best / favourite shot of 2009 (regardless of whether it was posted here for critique). You would figure if they were happy with it, they would like it printed large (even if no-one else bought it later)
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Mj on Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:51 pm

This has always been something discussed on and off and is a great idea...
There needs to be some thought put into the format... will the material be themed, or random etc etc.
I have my views but think I might leave it for further discussion as I've not been very active over the last couple of years so should rightly take a back seat.

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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Matt. K on Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:48 pm

Some good ideas floating around here Gerry. I think those that wish to submit prints should be free to arrange their own printing and sizes, though the canvas option is a good one. Also...someone will need to coordinate the selection and hanging....a very important part of any exhibition and not so easy if it is to look professional. Selection and rejection would only occur if a large number of entries were received. I think, and I'm guessing Gary would agree, that if the exhibition were held under the banner of the DSLRUsers then he and some of the mods would prefer some control over the final exhibition in regards to quality. Having said that, this forum is easily capable of presenting a very high quality exhibition with a diverse style. I would be happy to drink a red on opening night with the participants. Thanks for picking up the ball and running with this. Let's keep the ideas floating folks. :agree:

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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby colin_12 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:38 pm

Count me in Gerry.
Thanks for getting this up for us all. :bowdown:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Willy wombat on Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:52 am

I would like to contribute an image to the show even though Im in Melbourne. If someone could help me out a little with the leg work. Its always nice to participate in events like this and to get a little exposure
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:12 pm

There needs to be some thought put into the format... will the material be themed, or random etc etc.


Random has it's benefits, however a themed hanging would be more coherrent from a viewer's perspective...I am interested on how we could get a themed set going....

This has always been something discussed on and off and is a great idea...

I would like to see it happen rather than be a whole lot of hot air - it requires participation and proactiveness.. over 170 views to this thread but only 14 odd comments, c'mon people...

held under the banner of the DSLRUsers then he and some of the mods would prefer some control over the final exhibition in regards to quality

fair enough.

I would be happy to drink a red on opening night with the participants.

i would be disappointed if there was not one of your images Matt there - but I would still drink a red with ya, of maybe a beer :up:

I think those that wish to submit prints should be free to arrange their own printing and sizes, though the canvas option is a good one

This is problematic, the venue is linked to the prints, i would not feel comfortable rocking up and saying half the items that will hang are produced elsewhere - it needs to be a win-win scenario for both parties. As mentioned this is not some money making excercise on my part or Callan's, at the end of the day its more work for him in the cleaning up and prepping the shop front!

In terms of the canvas format, with this option, at the very least all the images are the same basic size and will be of the same print quality, rather than a mis-mash of framing, backing boards etc.

If someone could help me out a little with the leg work. Its always nice to participate in events like this and to get a little exposure

I m sure we can work somethign out for out-of-state people.

I am keen to see more ideas, if your one of those 170 viewers who have not commented - get your arse in here and comment..

I am also keen to make this happen, but we do need a minimum level of participation, or like all things it will fail.

Dates, These are the following blocks of time that I think would be suitable (and that suit me :rotfl2:) They are basically week long blocks since it would be good to have the images up for a minimum of a week.

Feb 15-21
March 15-21
March 22-28

Can we start to get a show of hands of those who are keen and I will start a list - those already indicated interest already I am assuming you are 80% confident :up:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby craig.rohse on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:17 am

Hi Gerry

I will be gone throughout February but both March blocks sound great to me so you can put me on that list.
There have been so many great Images on display in the forum throughout the year. It would be a shame if they would not be printed and hung on a wall for the world to see :!:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby gstark on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:44 am

biggerry wrote:
I think those that wish to submit prints should be free to arrange their own printing and sizes, though the canvas option is a good one

This is problematic, the venue is linked to the prints, i would not feel comfortable rocking up and saying half the items that will hang are produced elsewhere - it needs to be a win-win scenario for both parties. As mentioned this is not some money making excercise on my part or Callan's, at the end of the day its more work for him in the cleaning up and prepping the shop front!

Gerry's comments are spot on the mark here. Where a business offers to provide us with some measure of support, it is only fair and reasonable that we return that support.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby dviv on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:51 am

I agree as well.

I also think that a whole studio of 1M (or whatever size) canvas prints would look fantastic.

Also, the fact that the prints are all the same size and media would mean that a range of picture styles and themes would not look strange. If we didn't have that linkage it might look it bit "all over the place".

Either of the March dates are good for me, Gerry. :up:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby ATJ on Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:28 am

biggerry wrote:I would like to see it happen rather than be a whole lot of hot air - it requires participation and proactiveness.. over 170 views to this thread but only 14 odd comments, c'mon people...

biggerry wrote:I am keen to see more ideas, if your one of those 170 viewers who have not commented - get your arse in here and comment..

The views are now closer to 200, however, that's all they are, views. Each time you go into this thread to check the latest update, the view count will be incremented. Each time a person posts a response the view count will be incremented twice (once for the initial view and once after their post has been added).

While the post to view count may appear low, it is probably about right considering the actual posts people have made and the number of repeat visits the posters will make to see updates. I know I have opened this thread at least 10 times to see updates, so I'm probably 5% of the view count. I would think you'd be even higher.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby blacknstormy on Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:36 am

I'm not sure I've even got anything worth printing, but I'll have a look :?
Would be a great night - make sure you take heaps of photos guys !!
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:09 pm

I'm not sure I've even got anything worth printing

umm...http://www.dslrusers.com/viewtopic.php?p=406911 :cheers: :cheers:

The views are now closer to 200, however, that's all they are, views. Each time you go into this thread to check the latest update, the view count will be incremented.

one would assume the algorithm to count views would be smarter than this, like website statisitics there should be measures to determine unique ips etc, however I could be wrong - I will try and hit reload on a thread 10 times and see what happens.... :wink:

nonetheless, the point is to get people involved - so Andrew, I can lock you in for March eh? :up:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby ATJ on Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:53 pm

biggerry wrote:
The views are now closer to 200, however, that's all they are, views. Each time you go into this thread to check the latest update, the view count will be incremented.

one would assume the algorithm to count views would be smarter than this, like website statisitics there should be measures to determine unique ips etc, however I could be wrong - I will try and hit reload on a thread 10 times and see what happens.... :wink:

One might assume that, but it certainly appears not to be the case. Hitting reload on a thread 10 times may or may not increase the count, but the count certainly increases when the you revisit a thread where there have been updates.

The point I'm trying to make is that 170 views (or however many it is up to) does not mean 170 different people have viewed the thread. It is going to be significantly less than this.

biggerry wrote:nonetheless, the point is to get people involved - so Andrew, I can lock you in for March eh? :up:

Any date should be fine with me - assuming I can choose a shot that is worthy. My tastes tend to be quite different from others. Shots of mine that I'm proud of don't seem to be all that popular. On the flip side, I won a comp here in 2009 with a shot that I thought was ordinary.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby ATJ on Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:56 pm

biggerry wrote:I will try and hit reload on a thread 10 times and see what happens.... :wink:

Reloading a thread does not appear to increment the count, but closing the window and opening it again from the index does.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby colin_12 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:08 pm

March is good for me Gerry :up:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Killakoala on Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:19 pm

I have an image I think might look nice, in an arty landscape kind of way. But as I don't live in Sydeny, what options do I have? I am busy with work in March.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:13 pm

But as I don't live in Sydeny, what options do I have?

isn't Nowra a suburb of Sydney now :twisted:

I am sure we can accommodate those who are not in Sydney or cannot make it - if they still would liek their image to printed and displayed.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby dawesy on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:23 pm

I would be happy to hang an image in this as well. Right now my favourite image is the roof of St Peters in the Vatican but I am sure I could pick something else if a theme were picked that it didn't suit. Maybe a portrait if the subjects are happy with it going up.

As for dates, the Feb block I probably wouldn't be able to do a Sat night at the end but could the Fri. The other two are pretty open at the moment. Having said that, not being able to get to all of the wine and chat would not discourage me from contributing if I can.

I would tend to agree that either a consistent print format or an image theme should be implemented to tie the works together. Given the various styles here, it seems the former would be the easiest and least restrictive without making it look too random. Having said that, I'd not be adverse to a theme being chosen though if so, perhaps more time be allowed for those that don't have an image for that theme ready to go?

Great idea!
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby tommyg on Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:47 pm

Cathy (chica) and I would be happy to find a photo or 2 to have displayed (assuming they pass the review process).. unfortunately though being in Adelaide we wouldn't be able to go to the actual exhibition.

Will watch with interest for the next step

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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Matt. K on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:07 pm

If the prints are tied to the venue then we need to get a cost per print...and what does the venue look like? Is it a gallery space or a shop front? Once we can put that info into the thread then we can start canvassing (pun intended) for firm commitments and get an idea of numbers. How many prints is there space for? Would the prints be offered for sale and does the venue take a commission?

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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:38 pm

then we need to get a cost per print.

as mentioned in the initial thread I would envisage $150 per person/print, this covers the print and alcohol/nibbles, this is also a pain threshold for me.

I will however, get some firm numbers, to give you an idea...(refferring to http://www.zimprints.com.au/) a 100cm x 100 cm print is normally $199, i personally would jump at $150 that also includes some food/alcohol.

Is it a gallery space or a shop front?

shopfront, as mentioned. I will get some pictures, however you can find it on google earth + streetview.

How many prints is there space for?

is large enough to house 25 odd prints (1m sizes) on the walls and

it is not huge and I imagine it would be two rows on each wall.

Would the prints be offered for sale and does the venue take a commission?

only for sale if you want, you can specify it you do not want it available for sale.

commission on sales is not something I have discussed, but bear in mind, Callan does not make money on this kind of thing - its a Canvas Printing Business, as mentioned he has only had 3 exihibitions there.

I will clarify this commission point.

we can start canvassing (pun intended) for firm commitments

I need to have some idea of interest before pursuing this further. I am not going to establish all firm dates/costs/details/quantities only to look like a knob when 5 people turn up :| .
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:50 pm

A few updates and lets start gettign to the pointy end of the stick...

Th official opening/drinks/nibbles should occur at the close to the start exhibition, this shoudl then hopefully generate some interest (from friends family, other members etc) for the coming week of the display.

2 week display is no problem and I think long enough without dragging on.

At this point I propose the following dates:

Pictures submitted by the 19th Feb
Organise hangings 16-19 March
Opening Night 20 or 21 March
Display up until Easter (that gives a week and half) and most likely cleanup and remove after Easter break.

Canvas Sizes would be 100x66cms or 100x75cms depending on image ratio.


Lookign good for $150 per person - another option is to charge separately for the prints (around $130) and charge those who turn up on the opening night for booze and nibbles. This is also handy for those who want a print but cannot attend, it means they are not paying for the rest of us to get tipsy...

Callan has also offered a prize ($200 Zimprints Voucher) for a door prize or it could be used as a POTY prize?

Thoughts for out of towners? Post print to them at the end?
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby aim54x on Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:58 pm

*runs off to find a pic worth printing*
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:03 pm

moved to top post
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby ATJ on Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:13 am

Are we going with a theme or is it "anything goes - the photographer chooses"?

Is it only shots taken in 2009? Is it only shots on DSLRUsers in 2009?
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:40 pm

Are we going with a theme or is it "anything goes - the photographer chooses"?

I am not sure to be honest Andrew, I would like some input from othe rmembers on how this may work...

maybe if each party selects a shortlist then we can collectively help narrow it down, much like you are doing on the otehr thread.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby craig.rohse on Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:05 am

Hi there,

I have had a look through the Images I have posted on the forum in 2009.
These are the ones I like most.

Would love to hear what you think!






At this point I propose the following dates:

Pictures submitted by the 19th Feb
Organise hangings 16-19 March
Opening Night 20 or 21 March
Display up until Easter (that gives a week and half) and most likely cleanup and remove after Easter break.

Gerry, I have to leave tomorrow and won't be back until March.
What would be the best way to get the Image to you before the 19th???
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:48 pm

Would love to hear what you think!

thats a hard one, its either #1 or #3

Gerry, I have to leave tomorrow and won't be back until March.
What would be the best way to get the Image to you before the 19th???

pm sent
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Willy wombat on Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:12 pm

Im still interested if someone up in sydney can do the leg work... (add me to the list)
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:03 am

sydney can do the leg work

That can be arranged :up:
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby andy on Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:01 am

Sounds like a great event. Makes me miss being further up north.

Craig you should go with #1. It'd be fantastic on canvass...

Look forward to seeing pics of the event once it's all done and finished so we can see what all the work looks like displayed and side by side.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby craig.rohse on Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:13 am

Thanks Gerry and Andy.

I will go with the portrait. I have got already someone who would love to have it after the exhibition.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby Ant on Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:14 am

Last year was a real drought for me as far as quality images go, I seemed to shoot more and like less (although a graphic designer friend seems to think my shots are better than I think)! I do have an image from late 2008 that I would be happy to put up for this though.

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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition

Postby biggerry on Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:43 pm

from late 2008 that I would be happy to put up for this though.

I could run with that!
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition IMAGES REQD by end of FEB

Postby biggerry on Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:50 am


I know there is still quite a bit of time between now and the end of the month but if people can indicate their commitments, either way, as soon as possible that would be excellent!
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition IMAGES REQD by end of FEB

Postby dviv on Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:19 am

I'm a definite Gerry. :up:

How are we submitting images?
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition IMAGES REQD by end of FEB

Postby ATJ on Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:53 am

I'm all ready to go. I have an image chosen (Transverse Ladybird) and it is already a large JPG all set for printing. I even have a backup image (Red Sea Star Macro) in case there is space we need to fill.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition IMAGES REQD by end of FEB

Postby agriffiths on Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:08 am

Fantastic idea! Count me in :) .
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition IMAGES REQD by end of FEB

Postby biggerry on Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:20 am

I'm all ready to go. I have an image chosen (Transverse Ladybird) and it is already a large JPG all set for printing. I even have a backup image (Red Sea Star Macro) in case there is space we need to fill.

awesome - trust you to be organised andrew :wink:

Fantastic idea! Count me in

in a for a definite :up: :up:

How are we submitting images?

If you wish, post up a few in the Images/Critique to narrow it to one of two final images, then I will organise a web Gallery where we can upload them and from there I will organise to get them to Callan.

any other options?

I will have some more details by the end of the weekend.
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Re: EOI - DSLRUsers Exhibition IMAGES REQD by end of FEB

Postby tommyg on Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:59 am

Cathy and I will get our shots finalised this weekend.

Just a quick thought on the actual selling side of this... will it be that just the single print is for sale, or will it be able to be purchased multiple times? So that at the end of the show the extra sales can be printed and sent?

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