Photos from today's Sydney meet..Moderators: Greg B, Nnnnsic, Geoff, Glen, gstark, Moderators
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Photos from today's Sydney meet..Hi all,
Just need to check with everyone that they are ok if I put some photos of you up on the net (my pbase) site? Please let me know ASAP. Geoff.
Hey Geoff, you don't usually need people's permission to post photos of them... but I guess it's nice that you asked.
![]() It's mainly under 18s (esp young kids) that there could be potential concerns regarding who sees them and the issue of immoral conduct or potential harm.
Public domain.
The reason rules. Also, you could always say that the people who are in the photos are just that... in the photos... it's not your fault that you happened to shoot something they just happened to be in. ![]() But it's nice that you asked. Producer & Editor @
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
It seems to me all our guys in the meet yesterday turned out to be Japanese, which guy is yours???hehehehe. Do you see that "blueish" in the first few image? perhaps WB. Good works!!!!!!!! Birddog114
VNAF, My Beloved Country and Airspace
Birddog, I am the japanese girl with the bobble hat
![]() Gary, you took more shots than I realised! Geoff, feel free to put up any photos of me you wish. To all, great to meet everyone and looking forward to more of these meets
Great stuff Gary
![]() Good to see you court the Australian sprit in the last shot. I am going to have to start saving some penny’s so I can join you guys on a day out down there. Any one got a spear bed????? ![]() Cheers Ray ![]() >> All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism<<
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